Monday, October 7, 2013

Effective exercises to burn fat

Exercises help get rid and burn the largest percentage of body fat , based on a sudden your body.

Some exercises are used to increase strength and muscle mass , and other fitness and increase flexibility , there are also exercises targeting the body fat fitness exercises , here are some ways unusual for amazing results with fat .
1 ) Add conduct exercises to intense bouquet exercises carried out , Sir strongly and rapidly for 20 minutes at least 3 times a week , for example, then walk in the streets , such as roads leading to the high hills.
2) Use your jogging, start at low speed and then increase the speed until you reach the top , then lower your speed again .
4) then ran fast for at least 10 minutes and calculate the distance that they made , and then ran again at a lower speed .
5) increase the time period for the exercise , if you are finished after an hour then extended for a longer period of exercise , it increases the burning of fat .
6 ) and اظب on aerobic exercises with light jogging and walking , and instead quickly between exercises to get rid of as much of the fat .

Study: office holders is ranked more creative

At a time when many insist employers and managers need to keep their employees on the cleanliness and order of their offices for various reasons , including to facilitate the flow of work and organization, the study revealed that this trend is not necessarily a motive for creativity , but actually the opposite sometimes .
The study, which was published on the American Time magazine , that the owners of offices is ranked may be more creative in their work and have the potential to provide creative ideas .
The study showed that it had been subjected two groups of employees, department cares Ptodab his office and the other does not care , and after working hours, the researchers asked both sides to think of other uses for table tennis or what is known reel « ping pong » , the results come tilted to the cuff is Almertben more innovation in terms of other uses for this ball .
On the other hand , researchers pointed out that conservatives on the cleanliness and order of their offices tend to eat healthy foods than non- Almertben , which has been an apple or a piece of candy for members of both groups when out of their offices, to choose eating an apple a greater proportion of non- Almertben .

Image bullfighter paid to retire

Spanish bullfighter finally decides to retire from the game , after a tragic moment , and adopts a campaign to defend Analthren .

Often exposed in his life to human attitudes and challenged by difficult circumstances , but sometimes up to a point change his entire life and this is what happened to the Spanish matador " Torero Moreira " which he found himself either a wrestling ring in bulls awakened the conscience moment he decided to retire .
" Moreira " I love this game and practiced for years, finally decided her retirement , having stood in front of a bull wounded, and met his eyes with his eyes, not only saw an object is innocent does not want only life, while last throes because knives planted in it, citing the newspaper " News " Kuwaiti .
At that moment, I've 's deployed on the social networking sites , he realized , " Moreira " he was not a man for years, has said later : " When I saw the innocence in the eyes of the bull and heard Oninh felt Dalta ," to come to his decision critical retire from the game completely, and the defense bulls and attacking game that deemed barbaric finally .

Event in Ramallah: divorced her in a "Facebook" because of the suspension

The girl was "m" waiting to be wed to her groom "p" in the coming summer after returning from the United States because he left after the sermon at 3 months and traveled to work in the shop to his uncle, who is one of the richest city of Ramallah , but after a year and a half of the sermon, The shock and the end, he divorced her because of her comments on " Facebook " that did not " live up " to him .

In the morning a few days sent the young man "p" a message to his fiancee "m" surprised them from one of the comments on the pictures when her friend on Alfbspock , after sharp debate between them because of this review I tried the girl calm the debate , but the anger escalated over and over and burst sending word divorce her 3 times " divorced , divorced , divorced" and ended the discussion.

The next day sent the young man "m" his attorney and divorced her across the court , and in the comments of a young man on what happened, confirmed that the divorce was because of comments the girl last and other comments were " worried " What a boost to the insistence on ending its association with , and adds, " I do not want a girl her familiar using Facebook origin . "

The girl said, " generations " This retrospective thinking and most unusual comments and less than normal in all cases , it adds know Btalagaha through Facebook and was - Facebook reason Pfracna the , , and says "I'm not sad contrary, my experience has taught me a lot."

It is noteworthy that the Supreme Fatwa Council in Palestine passed a few days ago , on terms , dating between young men and women through the Internet with a view to marriage.

Airline employs only female for some strange reason

The company gu Air India flight recruit female only to work Kamadavat the on board. The reason for this is that females are less weight than men, which means that the plane will be less load. According to the company's accounts, this procedure will save the company half a million dollars a year in fuel expenses. He said Giorgio De Roni President, CEO of the company: "We are looking for any possible way to reduce costs and to preserve our profits." The company has a number of staff adult males accounted for 40% of the staff, and the company will replace them with girls when their contracts expire. The company also decided not to hire any of the male overweight.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Chinese take revenge on the court's decision piles of coins

Revenge of the tax approved by the court a Chinese man decided to pay cash currency mineral, which sapped a full day of Time Bank staff for eight hours to Andzoa task.
The reason for this fine to the altercation occurred between the "Wu" and her husband with a restaurant owner, and soon rose to unity that reached engagement hands, came after the "Wu" bruising and damage to the brain, and three fractures in her husband's ribs.
The court had imposed a fine of 68 thousand yuan (11 dollars) paid by the owner of the restaurant, but the latter to pay the remaining part of the fine of 10 thousand yuan ($ 1,600) in cash in eight large bags

Believe it or not: a man eating an entire plane

Do heard Mr. ? Michel Lotito is, Afnan run forgotten the former, who was known as the eat everything. How not a person who was eating equivalents, glass, rubber and other materials is digestible.
Not only that, but Lotito holds the record in the consumption of these things has entered the Guinness Book of World Records actually having to eat the whole plane. The plane took eat two years where the cut and then began to cut consumption with oil and water.