Monday, October 7, 2013

Study: office holders is ranked more creative

At a time when many insist employers and managers need to keep their employees on the cleanliness and order of their offices for various reasons , including to facilitate the flow of work and organization, the study revealed that this trend is not necessarily a motive for creativity , but actually the opposite sometimes .
The study, which was published on the American Time magazine , that the owners of offices is ranked may be more creative in their work and have the potential to provide creative ideas .
The study showed that it had been subjected two groups of employees, department cares Ptodab his office and the other does not care , and after working hours, the researchers asked both sides to think of other uses for table tennis or what is known reel « ping pong » , the results come tilted to the cuff is Almertben more innovation in terms of other uses for this ball .
On the other hand , researchers pointed out that conservatives on the cleanliness and order of their offices tend to eat healthy foods than non- Almertben , which has been an apple or a piece of candy for members of both groups when out of their offices, to choose eating an apple a greater proportion of non- Almertben .

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