Thursday, September 26, 2013

Chinese take revenge on the court's decision piles of coins

Revenge of the tax approved by the court a Chinese man decided to pay cash currency mineral, which sapped a full day of Time Bank staff for eight hours to Andzoa task.
The reason for this fine to the altercation occurred between the "Wu" and her husband with a restaurant owner, and soon rose to unity that reached engagement hands, came after the "Wu" bruising and damage to the brain, and three fractures in her husband's ribs.
The court had imposed a fine of 68 thousand yuan (11 dollars) paid by the owner of the restaurant, but the latter to pay the remaining part of the fine of 10 thousand yuan ($ 1,600) in cash in eight large bags

Believe it or not: a man eating an entire plane

Do heard Mr. ? Michel Lotito is, Afnan run forgotten the former, who was known as the eat everything. How not a person who was eating equivalents, glass, rubber and other materials is digestible.
Not only that, but Lotito holds the record in the consumption of these things has entered the Guinness Book of World Records actually having to eat the whole plane. The plane took eat two years where the cut and then began to cut consumption with oil and water.

Study reveals the secret of the passage of time quickly or slowly

Reach two researchers at the University of Minnesota Blaine Schneider, U.S. Goss, to the discovery shows that the nerves of the mind can visualize the time of measurement and interpretation of the feeling of speed and slow.
According to published by the Daily Mail UK, has begun researchers their experiments by placing Qirdan in one of the rooms front of a screen showing the points and Takhtvian seconds, and trained monkeys to follow up these points Boaanha, noted the researchers that Alqirdan PATA able to predict the emergence of point and become their eyes move from one point to other through just one second after that shrunk the activities of nerves in the brain.
Has been considered scientists that this contraction in activity is the reason to know Alqirdan of time precisely, and that may allow people to control the time of the nerves of the brain, it also illustrates the reasons behind the feeling that time is running fast or slow sometimes, Valoasab are put perception of time.

Benefits of marriage that you do not know!

Look .. Vaajab .. Vemoad .. This road may be a happy ending leads to the beginning of a long road of love and compassion under the umbrella of marriage. But have you ever thought that the marriage may have other dimensions , other than those known by family composition and giving birth to children and other ... Of course, the happy marriage disproportionate has many advantages reflected on the individual clearly .. ĘÚÇáć know more.

 " Manny Alvarez " (Manny Alvarez) MD working in this profession Thirty years ago, says: "The marriage and family relationships strong interest on the health of individuals in terms of speed healing after a surgical procedure. Adds doctor that marriage gives patients a kind of support that represents for the patient is an important part of the healing stages . "

 They married also found that they suffer less from heart disease in addition to that they are living longer and healthier relatively better than others.

Indicates " Manny Alvarez ," that it 's not just the idea of ​​marriage , but is related to equal a successful marriage between two individuals seeking to build a happy family and embrace all their children to Ihzawa the healthy life better but otherwise Good health would be at risk .

Facebook cause sadness and depression

Scientific study reveals that the "Facebook " causes sadness , depression , weakness , a feeling of happiness for most users.

Seems that scientific studies on the impact of the "Facebook" will remain in the conflict continues , after that studies have indicated that the cause of the happiness of its users revealed U.S. study to recent social networking site "Facebook" may contribute to mood swings and weak feeling of happiness , especially among people who use it long hours.
The study conducted by the University "Michigan " American highlighted the role of interaction visual and sensory in the power of social relations and not to engage in relationships hypothetical may be erased push of a button , has shown that Facebook has a direct relationship slope mood to its users , adding that the use of this site is associated physically with decline in happiness and more tendency to sadness and frustration , according to the site , " Sky News " .
According to the researchers , the the "Facebook" , as the site for social networking , seemingly a good source to satisfy the human need to communicate with others , but it also backfire while undermining the sense of joy and satisfaction and replace it when you see the pages of many friends, or chat and messaging , mood bad and sadness , especially when caused by feelings of jealousy or envy .
It is noteworthy that a previous study pointed to the role of the site to make people happy , especially people who feel lonely and associated
the virtual with other users.
But the current study , which included about 82 users deeply connected between the duration of the use of Facebook and the extent of decline in their sense of happiness and their tendency to unity.

Facts do not know about kissing

There are a lot of things that we do not know about kissing. You may know how we are doing, but we do not know about a lot of facts.

- All 3 pairs There are a couple running their heads while kissing.
- Kiss filled with emotional feelings make you use 34 muscles of the face muscles.
- Lips like fingers of each hand imprint especially where there is no lips are never similar.
- Kissing helps you recover from much of what we experience it improves the skin, stimulates circulation, prevents tooth decay and relieve headaches.
- During the kissing issue neurological brain signals produced by the brain-like while skydiving or running.
- Men who accept their wives before going to work receive higher incomes than others.
- Some expressed kisses with the letter x. This began in the Middle Ages where he expresses kiss with that letter, and over time it has become like a foregone fact.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

U.S. study: drinking water from the bottle leads to the appearance of facial wrinkles

The study conducted by a team of dermatologists in America, that drinking water from the bottle, especially in the office helps the appearance of wrinkles, so I prefer to use the cup in drinking water.
The study shows that the reason for this is due to the pressure exerted by the lips around the neck of the bottle leads to the formation of wrinkles, such as smoking and alcohol intake by Ahalemu also cause wrinkles.

Believe it or not: people wake up in the morning to find their account 92 thousand million million!!

Is not a fairy tale, but this is what actually happened in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania, between overnight became "Christopher Reynolds" has $ 92 quadrillion, becoming richer than Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg and Larry Page combined.
o-WEALTH-facebook_1Alkuadrliun means a lot a lot of money, any fifteen zero in front of the number 92, becoming the $ 92,000,000,000,000,000, which is 97 times times the debt of the United Kingdom, which can literally buy everything in the world if he wanted to.
It happened by mistake when he gave the site the competent financial services online "PayPal" amount of $ 92 quadrillion Executive Officer Public Relations modest "Christopher Reynolds" of Pennsylvania - United States.
Moments after computer error has been fixed, said Christopher Reynolds, told CNN: "It is a strange thing, I do not know .. Perhaps there are people flirting, "admitted PayPal:" It is clear that there is an error, and we appreciate that Mr. Reynolds understands the situation. "

Amazing story: Who is the real thief?Amazing story : Who is the real thief ?

"During a burglary in China, shouted thief Bank directed his words to the people inside the bank :" Do not move the money belongs to the state and lives the king of you. " Lay everyone on the ground calmly . This is called " the concept of changing the thinking " to change the traditional way of thinking. when the thieves returned to their headquarters .. he said the younger thief "and who holds a Master 's degree in Business Administration ," the leader of the thieves and was the oldest "and had ended 6 years in primary school education ," O leader Let's count how much money stolen . . the leader Bnehrh and said to him , "You are very stupid ! such a large amount of money , and will take us a long time to be counted .. Tonight you will know from the news kilometers stolen money ! .. This so-called" experience. " these days, experience is more important than qualifications paper! after he left the thieves Bank , said the bank manager of the branch manager , call the police quickly. , but the branch manager told him: " wait Let's take the $ 10 million and we keep to ourselves , and we add to the $ 70 million that we have Bachtlasha previously ! . This is called a " swim with the current ." Turn a disadvantage to your advantage ! Said branch manager : " It would be great if there was a theft every month ," and this is what is called "kill boredom. " Personal happiness is more important than your job. The next day, agencies reported the news that the $ 100 million stolen from the bank. The thieves after money time and time again , and each time Ajdo the amount is only $ 20 million , the wrath of many and said thieves risked our lives for 20 million dollars, and the bank manager received a $ 80 million without even dirty clothes .. it seems that it is better to be educated rather than to be a thief . ! " This so-called " knowledge equal to the value of gold !" Bank manager was smiling happy because the losses in the stock market have been covered in this theft.

Palestinian torturing a rat eating his salary and portrayed Facebook!

Palestinian who lives in the Gaza Strip did this act after receiving salary amid difficult economic conditions experienced by the Palestinian Authority and delay paying salaries to its employees for several months
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The relocation of "Gulf News" activists on social networking sites that Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, avenged mouse after that charges 3 papers from the category of 200 shekels of his salary.

The Web site said that the Palestinian who lives in the Gaza Strip did this act after receiving salary amid difficult economic conditions experienced by the Palestinian Authority and delay paying salaries to its employees for several months.

Palestinian citizen and hold the mouse and linking and publishing pictures on Facebook after eating rat nearly 600 shekels of his salary a few days ago.