Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Amazing story: Who is the real thief?Amazing story : Who is the real thief ?

"During a burglary in China, shouted thief Bank directed his words to the people inside the bank :" Do not move the money belongs to the state and lives the king of you. " Lay everyone on the ground calmly . This is called " the concept of changing the thinking " to change the traditional way of thinking. when the thieves returned to their headquarters .. he said the younger thief "and who holds a Master 's degree in Business Administration ," the leader of the thieves and was the oldest "and had ended 6 years in primary school education ," O leader Let's count how much money stolen . . the leader Bnehrh and said to him , "You are very stupid ! such a large amount of money , and will take us a long time to be counted .. Tonight you will know from the news kilometers stolen money ! .. This so-called" experience. " these days, experience is more important than qualifications paper! after he left the thieves Bank , said the bank manager of the branch manager , call the police quickly. , but the branch manager told him: " wait Let's take the $ 10 million and we keep to ourselves , and we add to the $ 70 million that we have Bachtlasha previously ! . This is called a " swim with the current ." Turn a disadvantage to your advantage ! Said branch manager : " It would be great if there was a theft every month ," and this is what is called "kill boredom. " Personal happiness is more important than your job. The next day, agencies reported the news that the $ 100 million stolen from the bank. The thieves after money time and time again , and each time Ajdo the amount is only $ 20 million , the wrath of many and said thieves risked our lives for 20 million dollars, and the bank manager received a $ 80 million without even dirty clothes .. it seems that it is better to be educated rather than to be a thief . ! " This so-called " knowledge equal to the value of gold !" Bank manager was smiling happy because the losses in the stock market have been covered in this theft.

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