Thursday, September 26, 2013

Facebook cause sadness and depression

Scientific study reveals that the "Facebook " causes sadness , depression , weakness , a feeling of happiness for most users.

Seems that scientific studies on the impact of the "Facebook" will remain in the conflict continues , after that studies have indicated that the cause of the happiness of its users revealed U.S. study to recent social networking site "Facebook" may contribute to mood swings and weak feeling of happiness , especially among people who use it long hours.
The study conducted by the University "Michigan " American highlighted the role of interaction visual and sensory in the power of social relations and not to engage in relationships hypothetical may be erased push of a button , has shown that Facebook has a direct relationship slope mood to its users , adding that the use of this site is associated physically with decline in happiness and more tendency to sadness and frustration , according to the site , " Sky News " .
According to the researchers , the the "Facebook" , as the site for social networking , seemingly a good source to satisfy the human need to communicate with others , but it also backfire while undermining the sense of joy and satisfaction and replace it when you see the pages of many friends, or chat and messaging , mood bad and sadness , especially when caused by feelings of jealousy or envy .
It is noteworthy that a previous study pointed to the role of the site to make people happy , especially people who feel lonely and associated
the virtual with other users.
But the current study , which included about 82 users deeply connected between the duration of the use of Facebook and the extent of decline in their sense of happiness and their tendency to unity.

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